Standard POPAT Programme
 This first part of POPAT uses sound pictures to represent the consonant phonemes of English.
Learners use these sound pictures to identify individual phonemes as they are spoken by the teacher.
 Then, through a sequence of games, the learners identify the consonant speech sounds in whole words that have progressively more sounds.
The learners choose, sequence and then read the sound picture sequences as words.
 In order to identify the single phonemes, the learners must separate them from their surrounding sounds.
By working through this carefully structured series of games, Listen and Choose is explicitly teaching phoneme identification, segmentation and synthesis.
 Transition moves quickly through a number of stages, replacing the sound pictures with letter cards and introducing the five, short vowels.
Learners write down the words they have just segmented and then, at the beginning of the next session, they read them back.

Transition progresses quickly and smoothly for most learners and merges with Listen and Write. The processes involved develop and fix the mechanical skills of segmenting and synthesising phonically regular words.

In this part of POPAT learners write phonically regular words of increasing length and complexity, from dictation.
To ensure that Learners can read these words, they are sounded out and synthesised at the beginning of the next session.
• Listen and Write teaches the ability to hold whole words in auditory memory and break them down into their component syllables and phonemes. • Learners learn to write the most usual letter for each
This part of POPAT teaches learners to read and spell a bank of high frequency, irregular words. The words are introduced in manageable groups, embedded in sentences.
The Listen and Write Sentences are a powerful part of the programme. In addition to learning to spell these key words, the sentences teach the learners how to -
 • hold complete sentences in visual and auditory memory • write them accurately from memory
• check their work against a model
• proof read from memory
In the last part of the programme, Listen Sort and Spell, high frequency, irregular words are examined, including those with the long vowel phonemes.
With the teacher and among the group, learners discuss the spellings of these irregular words and compare them with their constituent sounds.
Unusual and unexpected spellings are revealed, and learners discover the number, variety and probability of the spelling choices for each sound.
Learners become fascinated with words and their origins.
This final part of the programme calls into play all the mental skills and processes so far honed and practised. Listen Sort and Spell -
•develops an understanding of the spelling system of the target language
• facilitates skills transfer, extrapolation and prediction
• encourages a thinking spelling style
• makes learners into fearless spellers and writers
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